The Top 5 Must Do Things When Planning Bathroom Remodel Detailed in New Bathroom Guide

With any home improvement project, it requires a bit of research, an assessment of the goals, and a final check on budget, coupled with a dash of creativity and imagination to ensure entire project is finished on time and within budget

As bathrooms continue to be a top frequently remodeled spot in homes for sale, homeowners are often faced with the seemingly big challenge of finding cost effective yet highly efficient renovation practices. Renovating costs reach an average of anywhere from $15,782 to as much as $50,000 with an expected ROI of $65,000 and $58,000 respectively, compelling sellers to take the least expensive renovation route and make the most out of it.

American Standard recently released a free “The How to Buy Guide for the Bathroom” e-book. Highlighting the ins and outs bathroom renovation project which works without breaking the bank, the free guide shares five important points.

1. Decide on the Primary Use of the Space

Determining who uses the bathroom and what purpose it should serve is a must. The number of people in the household using the space should also be considered. Depending on how extensive the project is, an otherwise common and few-square-feet baths can possibly transform into a spacious area for a relaxing, semi-retreat experience.

2. DIY versus Hiring a Contractor

It is important for a homeowner to consider the type of work that will be done. There are costs involved in hiring contractors, which may be considerably saved through DIY approach. On the flip side, a DIY project may be cheaper but does not guarantee professional design and space maximization.

3. Numbers Count

Accurate measurements matter. Common sense dictates that the perfect tub ceases to be a great buy if it doesn’t fit in the space. Similarly, a bathroom glass door may seem like a great option, but very limited space and mismatching colors can render it useless. Opting for a shower curtain accessorized with shower curtain rings is practical, as it comes in a variety of designs to achieve the desired look for the bathroom.

4. Compare Prices on Everything

Wise buying entails a thorough product checking and comparison in terms of quality and price. Most homeowners can jump into the crucial step of finding the right materials for the bathroom project, but not without checking and counterchecking all choices. By being informedArticle Submission, homeowners are able to get the best deals and stick with the plan.

5. Stick to Your Budget

Budget setting can make or break a bathroom makeover. Having a budget and working within its framework can safely keep a bathroom renovation project realistic and attainable. A budget cushion is also necessary to cover expenses that may suddenly crop up.