2012 Small Business Trends

This is a good time to go find a good deal in leasing a business location, unfortunately it may not be such a great time to start a business because our economy is not yet firing on all cylinders, and we don’t know if it will accelerate from here on out, or if the debt that we are building up will come back to haunt us with higher taxes, and slower growth. We are in an election year, so the rest of this year should be at least decent economically speaking.

There are some other challenges on the retail front, namely online sales, and this new trend of consumers going into stores to check prices, without buying anything only to report those prices online. Yes, competition is good for America, but it sure hurts the small retailers. Energy costs are also increasing, most of this is due to the manipulation in our energy sector with regards to subsidized alternative energy. We should expect electricity costs to continue to climb.

Moving forward, we have some unfortunate trends having to do with healthcare and the future implementation of ObamaCare. It appears that it might cost as much as $4500 more per employee per year than what it cost previously. This will cause many smaller companies to shed labor, which will increase the unemployment, and mean there will be less money floating around in the communities for the other businesses.

Wages are increasing, but the consumers seem to be putting the money in the bank rather than spending it, this is not good for our smaller companies. Increased minimum wage initiatives also look to be coming forward, and those will also tap into the profit margins for our smaller companies. Well, these are just a few of the trends we will be dealing with in 2012, if you’d like to learn more about future trends as they are happening, you might wish to subscribe to my articlesFree Reprint Articles, so you don’t miss anything. Please consider all this and think on it.