Helpful Advise on How to Keep Carpet Stair Clean

Most vacuums now a days are light weight so it isn’t hard to carry
them up or down the stairs, but some of the vacuums are actually rather
heavy. But regardless of if your vacuum is light weight or heavy it can
get rather tiresome having to carry the vacuum up and down each week, if
not more. The good news is that there are some tips and tricks that you
can use to easily clean the carpet on your stairs.

Step one:
first thing that you need to do is to get a good broom and sweep the
stairs. This will remove all of the loose dirt that is on the top of the
carpet, which means the stairs are surface clean. But keep in mind that
this will not get down below the carpet nor will it remove any hair
that is embedded in the carpet.

Step two:
The next thing that
you need to do is to buy a longer attachment hose for your vacuum. You
can find the longer hoses on the manufacturer’s website or at vacuum
stores. But having the longer hose allows you to leave the vacuum at the
bottom or top of the stairs while cleaning them.

Step three:
you need to make sure that you have the brush attachment that rolls or a
regular carpet attachment, this attachment is usually what you use on

Step four:
Now you need to put on the longer attachment hose and put the carpet attachment onto the hose and turn on the vacuum.

Step five:
people find it better to start at the top of the stairs and work their
way down because as you vacuum the stairs sometimes dirt falls onto the
stairs below.

Step six:
Now that the carpet has been vacuumed
you are probably ready to shampoo the carpet on the stairs. This is
actually a tricky part because most steam cleaners that you can rent do
not have a hose attachment for stairs. But if the steam cleaner you rent
does have a hose attachment you can use the hose attachment to steam
clean the stairs.

Step seven:
If you do not have a steam
cleaner or the one that you rent does not have a hose attachment you can
clean the carpet on the stairs by hand. First you will need to mix some
carpet shampoo with some water to create foam, so you will have to
experiment with the amounts to mix until you get a foamy substance.

Step eight:
getting the solution foamy you are going to want to get a scrub brush
and gently scrub your carpet on the stairs with the cleaner. Make sure
that you treat any stains on the carpet before you begin cleaning them.

Step nine:
you have a vacuum that sucks up water, such as a Rainbow or a Shop Vac,
what you are going to want to do is suck up the water from the stairs
with the vacuum until the stairs are only slightly damp and then allow
them to air dry.

Step ten:
If you don’t have this kind of
vacuum then you are going to want to wait for the carpet to dry a little
bit before you use your regular vacuum, to vacuum the stairs.

For more helpful tips, check the links below: