Saving the Planet Through Home Improvement


With the cost of energy going up along with the usage of fossil fuels and other environmental hazards to heat and cool our homes, it is becoming more reasonable to build a home that will be friendly to the environment as well as improve the quality of the air that we breathe daily. It may not be feasible to build a completely new home, but if you are able to do this home improvement project, there are a couple of steps you can follow without breaking the bank. Step 1: You need to calculate how much it will cost to built the home and compare them to the estimated savings down the road from these environmental changes you are making to the new home. The initial investment will cost you between five and twenty percent more than a home constructed with the usual materials. You need to do your research on the amenities that you plan on putting into the home and how many years it will take to make up that savings on your utility bills. Step 2: When building an environmentally friendly home, you need to decide what materials you want to use in the construction of your new home. These materials are usually produced locally, are all natural, are sustainable, and are not processed much when used in the manufacturing. You will also need to use materials that are non-toxic and safe for both animals and people. For the best usage of products, you need to calculate what you need beforehand so that none of the products for your home improvement project go to waste. Some of the important materials you can purchase for your eco-friendly home improvement project are a low flush toilet and a rainwater collection bucket so that you can collect and reuse rain water to flush the toilet and wash your dishes and clothing. You can also put in a large absorbant panels in the windows and solar panels for heating the water. You also may want to consider putting extra insulation in your home so that it will stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer without using extra energy. Your appliances and light bulbs should be the most energy efficient that are available on the market , chemical free paint, and hardwood flooring to avoid dust and chemical build-up that often collects on carpets. The out-of-pocket costs of a environmentally friendly home improvement project can be upwards of $155,000, but if you do it right, it should significantly lower your energy costs over the lifetime of the home.

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