Nursing Schools

There are quite a number of nursing schools all over the world that offer the kind of education and training necessary for nursing students to be prepared for a career in nursing.  In many countries, the number of specialized schools for nursing or schools that offer a nursing course have increased over the past few years due to the high demand for nurses in a variety of locations all over the globe.  Unfortunately, the increase in the number of schools does not immediately equate to a high quality program from each one of the schools.  This is why it is important to do the necessary research and legwork when it comes to choosing the best school to go.

A student interested in nursing has a variety of nursing degrees that they can choose to pursue upon enrolling.  There is the Diploma in Nursing or they can go for an associate’s degree can be finished within two years and the available degrees are an Associate in Health and Medicine and an Associate in Nursing.  The subjects that they can major in include Health Care Administration, Health Care Management, Health Informatics, Health Science, Medical Assisting, Medical Coding, Physical and Health, and Psychology.  Though an Associate of Science in Nursing or ASN is perfectly acceptable, it serves more as a precursor for students who may want to begin working in the nursing profession but for career advancement purposes, a bachelor’s degree would be preferable.

Many nursing schools offer either a Bachelor’s Degree in Health and Medicine or a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing.  A bachelor’s degree can be finished within four years and the major subjects are similar to the ones offered for an associate’s degree but also include a few more.  These other major subjects include Gerontology, Health and Medical Sciences, Human Services, Nursing, and Public Health.  A Bachelor of Science in Nursing or BSN can also be pursued by a Registered Nurse or RN who wishes to continue their education.

For those who want a more advanced degree, they can choose to pursue a Master’s Degree in either Health and Medicine or Nursing.  A master’s degree can be finished within two years with the prerequisite four years done after graduating with a bachelor’s degree.  The major subjects that can be taken up include Gerontology, Health Care Administration, Health Care Management, Health Informatics, Human Services, Nursing, Psychology, and Public Health.  One can also go on to pursue their doctorate after receiving their Master of Science in Nursing or MSN, becoming either a Doctor of Nursing Practice or DNP or a Doctor of Philosophy or PhD.

Aside from traditional brick and mortar nursing schools, there are also online educational institutions that offer nursing degrees.  It is important to remember, however, that regardless of whether a nursing student chooses to study online or not, they ensure that the school they choose is properly accredited and can prepare them for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for registered nurses (NCLEX-RN) or practical nurses (NCLEX-PN) after graduation.

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